Friday, November 04, 2005

Small Victories, But Now She's not Important

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So, today my determination was set (kind of) to not mess up with the big, nast M word. And I didn't. Hurrah. I'm getting ready for work, and have nothing better to do, before putting on my socks, than write a small entry. (Mental Note...SMALL)

I just got my paycheck, and it is soooo good to have money. Too bad I'm blowing a decent amount of it right off the batt, tonight, buying the rest of my computer parts. And then another 100 of the 500 I've been saving is going down on my housing deposit, and another 50 (at least) to tithing. FOOOOOWSH! It's okay though. I'll have enough money to scrape by for the next 2 weeks, and then I can actually start SAVING for school expenses. Mom and Dad want to sit me down and discuss my financial stuff with much everything is going to much I plan on finally cornering them into letting me have the car. Myarh. (pardon my intelligable noises...they're better than swearing).

That's another thing I've been doing well with lately...I haven't been swearing NEAR as much as I was. I'm trying to get thsoe around me to cut back on it as well...don't wanna be all pushy though.

Last night I lost a friend. She became an longer given to being in my circle of 'friends,' which has been contratcing more and more with each passing week. I've told people about my problems, and more and more of those that I've told have started pushing themselves away from me, or I have done the same out of shame...but this one...she refuses to relent, and see the world from another's point of view. She's trapped in her little 'my life is perfect, and nothing ever goes wrong with me' bubble, high atop her soapbox. People who strut about like great spiritual rooster make me want to grab a proverbial shotgun, and have chicken noodle soup for dinner. Anyway, I don't plan on talking to her much more, if ever again. There are some people, I've learned, that aren't worth my time...aren't worth being in my life. I learned that with Rick, that he was just too much of a hassle for me to deal with...and now with Christine, I've just decided that she's not important to me as a friend. She's someone I know, and only that.

Time to eat a quick lunch, and then work from 2-10. FOOWF!

I've got canker sores like a madman...YEEOWJH! Anybody know any good sure-fire, quick cures for canker sores? I think it's been the sleep deprivation, stress and bad diet...meep.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lysine. My bro. gets canker sores now and then and taking lysine supplements helps cut the duration. No cure as they are viral in nature (generally speaking).

Your local Rx should sell them. Hope this helps.

05 November, 2005 06:34

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If they cant be supportive then they shouldn't be worth your time right? If they really care about you then in time they'll come to you with their support.

07 November, 2005 18:06

Blogger Batness said...

"People who strut about like great spiritual rooster make me want to grab a proverbial shotgun, and have chicken noodle soup for dinner."
Actually, that's one of my biggest pet peeves about Parker. I love him, and I respect his views. But it hurts me he won't respect anyone else's views.

Sucks to lose any friends though, and I'm sorry.
Send me your # on DA again, so I can put it CORRECTLY into my phone. I swear to GOD I have it in here, but when you alled the other day it just said "UNKNOWN" and I never pick those up. :*(

08 November, 2005 15:16

Blogger Dave said...

Just came across your site? Is the M word masturbation? Chwck out my aite, I think you might enjoy it, although I'ma a gay Mormon who's taking a different path than you. Let me know what you think.

26 November, 2005 14:21


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