Monday, October 23, 2006

Like a Fever

Do you ever have one of those times where you aren't sure why at all, but you're totally unmotivated, and entirely depressed? That would be right now. It's the kind of depressed that encompasses your entire body...I feel like I've got a fever. Heck, alot of my symptoms feel like I'm sick, but as they've just arrived within the last 30 minutes or so, I really doubt it's anything actually physical.

I've been thinking about the King of Hearts in my wallet lately...he's kind of my get-out-of-jail-free card...I'm almost ready to cash him in....sure it's 9 years premature, but who's counting...well...actually...I know I am...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey man i know how you feel. I think everyone feels like that sometimes it's totally normal. don't stress about it to much it'll pass.

hope your doing well!!


24 October, 2006 04:02

Blogger el veneno said...

Sorry it sucks sometimes.

I hope you're feeling better today.

24 October, 2006 23:11

Blogger epadavito said...

what do you mean nine years early? ....that was kind of a weird /funny looking picture - was that you? my suggestion is to get that get out of jail free card out of your wallet - because when you don't have something, you can't really use it. So please don't cash it in. Perhaps you're at the verge of passing go and about to collect some $ never know. You do know what can be promised to you though :) c'mon..there is no mountain you can't climb.

25 October, 2006 09:56

Blogger epadavito said...

hey, thought about you the other day..

22 November, 2006 09:51

Anonymous Anonymous said...

youre miserable because you dont know how not to be.

it sounds more simple than it is.

maybe you should spend more time trying to figure out how to be happy than focusing on how pathetic and overly dramatic your life is.

other people will never save you.
learn it
and then buy a cape of your own.

save the god damn world on your own time... and get rid of the broken water pipes that are sinking the city.

24 November, 2006 11:13


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