Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Floating upon the surface for the birds

A painting I did today......reflection in its greatest (or...not so great)

The figure in the bottom is representative of myself...emerging from a sea of a solid past, broken by the scars and pock marks of my past, rising like broken skyscrapers, long submurged. The sunset, being quenched (or rising) by (or from out of the repression of) the sea is somewhat representative of my struggle with same-sex attraction.

I didn't even reallize all the symbolism that this piece had until I had already gotten half way through painting it.

Inspired by "Talk Show Host" by Radiohead.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ah jeez, now my comment on d/art is stupid bc its not an explosion and you are not in fact being ripped apart by it... although that is what I interpreted it to be. I like this alot, banana. Also, I like you.

20 September, 2005 15:59

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats an amazing painting.You really are talented.

20 September, 2005 20:03


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