Monday, February 13, 2006

Playing on my Insecurities

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Sorry it's been forever since I've written. I need to reallize that this is one of the only ways some of you have to know how I'm doing, and my lack of posting could mean my dropping off the face of the I live! I've just been busy being insecure, and getting 2 jobs, etc.

First thing dream last night. I blame this partially on me forgetting to take my my insecurities were played upon by my unconscious. I was back at my homeward, in my dream, and I was asked to play my song that I've been working on (which is wierd that I accepted, because it is completely un-churchy, and completely unfishinsed and unpolished). Anyway, for some reason I agreed, and was rocking it up on the piano and guitar (which is odd, because I don't play piano). I got past the first few lines of the first verse, and the adolescents in the audience started singing...could have been cool, other than the fact that it WASN'T MY SONG THAT THEY WERE SINGING. Apparantly my song sounded akin to somecrap that had been on the radio, and all the kids had been gobbling it up like turkey with cranberry sauce on Thanksgiving. Thank you obesity. This act completely screwed me up...I FORGOT my song. I couldn't sing it was gone. This alone was enough to make me pretty much want to die. That song is like my soul, screaming aloud. It's one of my ways to communicate my emotions and true feelings, about SSA, about insecurities, etc, without people looking at me funny.

So I forgot my song. I ran out...I was depressed in my dream already. I had, apparantly, brought my best friend (and roomate), the one who I had been feeling insecure (for no valid reason) about him taking off on me...well...I wanted to leave, and go home. But he refused to go with me (catching where this is going?), and before I know it, he had disappeared. I went out to my car, and just felt like crap for a little, and aloneish. I had my guitar with me. I tried starting my car, but no dice. So I had to ride home with my mom in the van, but we couldn't fit my guitar.

Once we got back to my parents' house, I wanted to go and pick up my guitar, because I pretty much can't live without that thing, and NOBODY WOULD TAKE ME. I know it sounds ridiculous, but that was HORRIBLE. My guitar is like an extension of myself. Nobody would. Depressed. Next day I asked my sister to take me. She refused. She was more concerned with seeing me do a wall-flip, and going to work. Some of her friends told me that if I payed for their groceries, theyw ould take me. At this point, I really didn't care, I just needed my baby back, so they took me driving all around town, everywhere else except for near the church, my car, and my beloved guitar. Roomate was still nowhere in sight...I assume he had gone back home home. Here to Rexburg.

Pretty much my dream was my brain torturing me, and playing on my insecurities, thus making my internal conflict worse...I reallize that not only do I hate myself in my conscious, but my SUBCONSCIOUS hates me too. Oohdelally, what a day. I reallize that it was just a dream, but for me, dreams are my escape. Sleep is what I use to escape the real world when things get too rough...and once again, I can't escape there for fear of being tormented.

I got that job at the movie theater. I'm the projectionist. Cool. Part of my dream last night involved getting fired from this job, and having to go by my OLD place of employment, where I quit because my psycho feminazzi boss screamed at me, and made me feel like refuse. Anyway, I really have no clue what hours I work this week, and I have to call in at 1pm to find out my hours.

I just took my medication, but it won't catch up with me until later today if at all...merf.

This past week, my insecurites have been getting the best of me. I'm terrified that roomate is going to bolt on me, when that's completely NOT in his character. I'm afraid he's going to move away, and never keep in contact. He might just do that moving away thing. They say that the friends you have in college are the friends you keep for the rest of your life...dear God, I hope I don't get sacked by this kid. I love him too much.

Shared-Major-Boy and I FINALLY hung out last night, and he was over from about 9pm to 3:30am. Not that I'm really that interesting, but we had a good goood time. He's completely NOT gay at all, and that's SO good. He makes me feel completely more heterosexual when I hang out with him, and that's good...all his "that's so gay," comments aside. Hanging out with him makes me completely crush on him so much less, and that's a GOOD thing in my opinion. We're supposed to hang out lots lots lots before he takes off for his mission in 28 days. Too bad when I make a friend that I have THIS much in common with, he's gotta take off in less than a month. Oh well.

I JUST woke up, and I need food, as I was starving when I went to bed last night.


Blogger Hi! said...

hey U! don't u love when u can remember dreams? When r u coming down to party and "get wild"? huh? jk., if u use msn :) have a good one!

13 February, 2006 22:38

Anonymous Anonymous said...

its good to see youre alive and still... alive. mozel tov on that job [you dont have to wear the "theaterandpatterninfused" outfits do you?] and also with the new found camaraderie with major-shared-boy. though it is hard when they up amd leave... even if it is for a good reason. blast and wretch.

ive found it so hard to find, can i tackily say, "kindred spirits" here at byu-i that relate with my abnormalities that a true one is one you want to cling to.

and im tired and forming incoherent sentences.
[hey! im excited to hear your music. when do i get to?]

oh, and postsecret is wonderful this week... valentinesish and all. have you sent any in?

14 February, 2006 01:59

Blogger LDSwithSSA said...

Your comments show that you see your mind and your dreams as adversaries, torturing you. Dreams are actually a window into our subconscious, that part of ourselves least effected by rationalization and social image management. It is the most raw and honest part of ourselves. Analyzing them is a good way of understanding ourselves. Sometimes, dreams are the mind’s way of working things out or of stripping the emotion from the events we have to cope with.

I have read a fair amount on this, and did a little research on yours (if you don’t want this public, please feel free to delete it). I took a lot of the interpretation of symbols from Dream Land’s Dream Dictionary

Music :Composing beautiful music is a sign that you will get to know happiness in your personal life and at home. You said that you see your music as a way to communicate what you are feeling. The fact that it didn’t go well would show that you are having a hard time getting other people to understand what you are going through.

Cars: The movement of the car is the way you are trying to make progress in life and the extent to which you feel in control. If the car in your dream has poor controls or missing parts, it would suggest that your sense of control over current conditions is being compromised. Pretty easy…you don’t feel in control of your life; probably you feel that your SSA or some other problem or combination of problems is limiting your choices and your control over your life.

Family: Dreams featuring our family members can be reassuring. They may give us confidence and support, or they may concentrate on present long-term problems from which we have little prospect of escape. Same as above. Not being able to get your family to help you get your guitar (an extension of yourself) implies that you don’t feel completely supported by them. They took you home (provided the vital support) but won’t help with something very personal and important to you (maybe they don’t see that aspect of your life as important, maybe they don’t want to hear you “communicate” about a certain part of your life).

Friends: If you dream of a friend, it means that you want to have a better social life. You have talked about this desire on your blog. The stuff about your best friend is pretty obvious. In your dreams, your other friends tried to help, but in a way that wasn’t helpful (possibly more of the not understanding you, possibly about them trying to take you in a direction you don’t want to go).

CAUTIONARY NOTE: this interpretation is based on some common symbols, you have to decide if it’s accurate and if it applies to you. If it doesn’t, feel free to disregard it. Also, I would suggest you discuss this with your therapist, as he is the professional.

14 February, 2006 10:00

Blogger LDSwithSSA said...

Feel free to e-mail me through my blogif you want to chat.

14 February, 2006 10:01

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on the theater job. I'm impressed at your preseverence in going back to the place repeatedly until they hired you. Most people would have given up after the manager appeared to hide in the back room on one of your follow up visits. You'd be a prime candidate for one of these security alarm companies around Rexburg looking for sales folks to peddle alarm systems across the country.

14 February, 2006 15:30

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You shouldnt worry about anyone leaving you, if your feeling insecure about a lot of things, then its natural to feel anxious about someone taking off. Then it gets to your dreams and your really screwed. So just take a deep breath and keep telling yourself your not alone. That way at least your dreams will be easier.

15 February, 2006 00:23


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